Saturday, November 1, 2008

Birthday Palooza

Fall is a very busy time of year around here. Not only does school start but we have 3, yes I said 3 birthdays. Evan's is in September....this year we had a Monster Truck themed party. The boy loves cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles, anything with wheels. It's so cute the way he says Monster Truck too. We had a few friends and family over and rented a Monster truck moon bounce and the kids had a blast. I think Evan got a touch of whiplash from all the roughness in the moon bounce, but he never once cried or complained he just wouldn't move his head. Poor Guy!

Next Up, we have my firstborn Jackson...he turned 7yrs old this year. I can't believe it. It just makes my heart hurt sometimes how grown up he's getting. We had a party at Pump it Up, I should have bought a franchise, cause this was his 3rd party there and Miss Emma has informed that is where she wants to have her birthday party which is coming up in a few weeks in December. Gotta love Birthday Season!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Before & After: Office Edition

I have been waitin all summer for my BooMama to have this fab event....and just like she promised here's the before and after of the makeover I did of my little office area.

I have this unused wall space that's in the living room and leads into the kitchen, it's a great cental location for a office. My little sister (step-sister) and I traded desks and this past year I finally got a laptop.

I got a parson's chair and lamp from Kirkland's. I got the wall accessories from Hobby Lobby, shelves from pottery barn. They were the most expensive thing, but I wanted deep shelves that would hold the magazine organizer boxes on the top shelf.

My girl Christy over at Bon Bon Boutique helped with this project, she's the best at decorating and an even better friend. I couldn't have done it without her.

Make sure to check out all the other makeover's at BooMama's blog!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Livin on Tulsa Time

About mid-July we loaded up and headed to Tulsa to visit our BFF's the Bells. It just so happened to be Keith's 2week guard trip and he was going to be in Fort Smith, AR which was only 2 hrs away. He had some time off, so we arranged for him to be able to be there with us. It was perfect.

We celebrated B-Mom's birthday while we were there....who needs birthday cake when you can have birthday pizza.

The girls played dress up endlessly.

Even though it was hot, they played outside like it was the month of March.

B and Jackson were inseparable...."superhero and sidekick"

Monday, September 1, 2008

Better Batter Baseball

My little sports star!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ok so I've been a little sidetracked!

I've just about all but given up on this thing, but then all 3 of you that read this have encouraged me to keep up the blog, so here I am.

I got a little hung up on the whole Facebook thing, I can waste more time on that site.

Since last we spoke we celebrated the 4th of's a few pics from our celebration at church.

Evan didn't much care for all the noise, so he was sportin these groovy headphones that Keith actually wears at the guard base. Thank you TN Air Nat'l Guard.

Not sure where they got these, but they were giving them out....Halloween...4th of July...what's the difference.uhh? Anyways, it's was a great time and if I remember correctly the weather was great. I hope to have some more posts of our summer happenings. Sorry I've been AWOL, just lots a stuff going on around here.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Facebook Junkie

Hello friends and family....if you've been wondering what happened to me the last few word FACEBOOK! OMG it's so addictive. I've had a facebook account for like ever, but it was just me and my friend Kathy, got kinda boring just the two of us. Then, I don't know who turned the light on, but like everyone I know is on there now and I have all these friends. It's amazing. It's should check it out.

We are headed to the in-laws and then to my dad's house for the 4th of July. It's a fun filled weekend. I can't wait to see everyone. I'm sure I'll have some good blogging when I get back.
Happy 4th

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thank You Uncle Sam!

Since the beginning of time, or since Evan's birth, I always wanted the boys to have bunk beds. Well, when it came down to purchase time I began to have second thoughts. One being, we are going to have big boys. How do I know this? Well, Jackson is in a size 8 and he just finished Kindergarten, and he wears a size 4 1/2 shoe. He's a big boy. So I was afraid the bed might collapse or teeter just a bit under the gigantor jr.'s pressure.

So with the help of the IRS Stimulus check we got the boys new beds. This is a big deal at our house, we never purchase furniture. We usually get furniture from other family members.

So here's the boys room.

It also has these great captain's storage units under each bed. Jackson thought it would be a great place to store his toys, I had to change that plan of course. But there is a shelf for books and what-nots that I said was all his.

So far nobody has hit the floor, that I know of. I'm waiting for the day when they figure out they can jump from one bed to the other.

We've also started potty training with Evan...ugh! It's going pretty good. He calls his underwear "panties" which Keith can't stand. I just had to share this picture...there's nothing cuter than this. I just want to squeeze those little hunkies!

Monday, June 16, 2008


The other night, or shall I say morning (2:30am) to be exact. I was awakened by a horrific smell. One that as a parent, you know is accompanied by some type of bodily function. Problem was, there were no kids in the bed. My first thought was Keith had pooped his pants. Then as I fully awakened I realized it wasn't him, it must be one of my furry children, oh joy.
I catapulted out of bed and see Lucy hovered in the shadows...oh the smell...I'm thinking it's a major explosion. I can't find it. So I turn on the bathroom light to try and shed some light on the situation, at which point Keith roles over and says, "did you fart." Okay, first my farts don't stink ; ) and when they do they smell like sweet roses. "No, Lucy's sick," at which point he jumps out of bed and runs full force into the wall of stench...."oh God" and he runs to the bathroom. When Keith returns, see if you can picture this, he has taken a white t-shirt and tied it around his face. He looks like a terrorist of some sorts, with boxer shorts on, real threatening.
I've located the source of the smell, Lucy has vomited in her bed. Praise the Lord it wasn't on the carpet. We decided to just chunk the bed, neither one of us want to tackle the job of cleaning it. I'm holding the trash bag and "Mohammad" is going to pick up the bed and very carefully put it into the trash bag....except he can't...he keeps gagging, saying, "OH GOD I CAN STILL SMELL IT" Like the homemade gas mask is supposed to stop the smell. Now I can't stop laughing, we are about to have another accident. We finally got things cleaned up, Lucy spent the night in the laundry room, poor goose. I still catch myself laughing out loud. I wish I could have gotten a pic, it was priceless. PRICELESS!

Branson Vacation..The Finale...Praise the Lord

Well, after being gone for a week. It was time to go home. The drive was about 6 hours from our house. We didn't hear one word from Jackson the whole way home. We let him bring the small dvd player and headphones, he watched his own movies.

These two just pretty much irritated each other the whole way home. Oh the joys of family vacation. I'm counting the days until next year.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Branson Vacation Part Deux

I think that's how you spell it.

The highlight of the vacation for the kids is Silver Dollar City. They just can't get enough. We've been twice. I still don't think we've seen it all. I have a few tips if you go:

1. Bring some comfy shoes, there are a few hills.

2. Bring some extra clothes or swim suits for the kids, there's an area called Splash Harbor. You will get wet. But they have to were shoes and a shirt at all times.

3. Sunscreen...I forgot mine.

4. Purchase the park hopper pass, you save money and you get to visit the other parks ( White Water, Celebration City)

This was our 2nd year to visit Silver Dollar City. It was also a great test to see if we are ready for a trip to Disney. We decided rather quickly, that we are not ready to visit Uncle Mickey for at least nother year. Silver Dollar City has a lot of neat shops and some GREAT food....kettle korn...frozen lemonade to name a few. I didn't get to take as many pics as I wanted, too busy walking up those durn hills.'s a few pics

Check it out for

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Branson Vacation Part 1

One of my favorite places to shop in Branson was at the Branson Landing. It's about 2 yrs old, so it's nice and clean and there are lots of shops and restaurants. They have this really neat water/fire show that the kids rocked out to. It goes off like every hour.

There is also a great little playground for the kids to hang out and play while mom does some shopping. Evan loved it.

Needless to say we had a great day full of shopping, you can see the excitement for yourself

These two were ready to go the minute we got there, but they at least waited until we ate lunch and then bailed on us. They were good sports. Kinda.

If your ever in Branson MO check out Branson Landing, it's not an outlet, but it's a nice change of pace and lots of fun.

Next vacation highlight...Silver Dollar City...ugh!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We have returned from Hillbilly Heaven. It was a lot of fun. We visited Silver Dollar City, Tanger Outlet Mall, Branson Landing, The Aquaplex, and the local Wal-Mart, twice.
We had a great time with the whole famalia, but I am so glad to be home.
Before we left town on our trip, Miss Emma got her a new hairdo. A much needed haircut. When she was younger she had curly hair, but as she's gotten older, the curls have gone away. They always return on a humid day, I'm sure she we love that when she gets older.
Anyways, here is the before pic

She was so excited about getting her haircut, she loves having a new hairdo. It really suits her sassy attitude she can have sometimes. Here's the new look.......

Well, I've got stuff to unpack and laundry to catch up on. I'll have some more posts about the highlights of our vacation to Branson. Home Sweet Home!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Time Flies

I can not believe it's the end of May. This month has flown by. Jackson graduated from kindergarten with flying colors. He's so excited to be going into first grade. Emma graduated from the "Star" class and will be going into the "Froggy Fours" she is very excited. Evan is just excited, he doesn't really get into the whole grade changing thing yet.
We are looking forward to the summer, just a lot of hanging out around the house, swimming at my mom's, traveling to Arkansas, Branson, and Oklahoma. Hopefully, I can keep you all updated here on the blog.
I most excited about my friend Christy, she is going to be helping me with my house. She has wonderful ideas on her blog Bon Bon Boutique, and she has offered to come help me get my house decorated and looking good. We are both on vacation this next week, so rest up sister your gonna need it.
I better get packin for Branson, we leave in 72 hrs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


My friend Leigh Ann wrote a post on her blog about the nicknames they use in her family. She wanted to know what names we use.....

Keith's nicknames:
Sugar Booger (that's what I like to call him)
Big Mouse (from a children's book)
Louie (fire department guys)

My nicknames:
Roachel (some kid in grade school)
Honey Bunny (Keith calls me this)
Sunshine (my mom calls me this)
Tootsie (my dad calls me this)

Little Man
Ya Ya ( emma- couldn't say jackson when she first started talking, this was what she would call him)
Gigantor Jr. (he's really tall for he's age)

Tinker, Tink
Emma Lou, Lou-Lou
Emmers, Ems

Revan ( from Jay Jay the Jet Plane)

My mom:
Birdie- I just started calling her this one day, it's short for "the Old Bird" It wasn't out of disrespect, just giving her a hard time.

I love nicknames, I almost always use a nickname with my friends and family. This was it's your turn. What nicknames do you use with your loved ones?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Extremem Makeover: Dog Edition!

My poor four legged children, they tend to get a little um shall we say scruffy looking. Before kids (BK) they ruled the roost, slept in the bed (the middle of the bed), they traveled with us everywhere we went, or we just didn't travel. These dogs lived the high life, and still do to a certain level. Hampton is the oldest of our two dogs. He's my dog, I got him in college. He is my first child , I know I didn't give birth to him, but I did adopt him from the Kroger parking lot one cold February morning in 1995. He has always been by my side, and I love him dearly for that.He's been in desperate need of a makeover and Petsmart delivered! Man, it's like a new dog...I swear they even dyed his hair, it looks darker.

He looks so good. He knows it too, he has a little pep in his step.

Lucy is our Lab mix, and she is the best dog. The most well behaved dog, I can't say one thing bad about her. I got her from the parking lot at the school I was teaching at....I'm a sucker for dogs in parking lots.

We started getting her shaved last summer to help with the shedding. It has been the best thing ever. No more clumps of hair in the corner of the room.This time they shaved her tale, she looks so funny. But gorgeous with her new do.I always enjoy getting the dogs their makeovers, they look better and you know they must feel better too.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I Give Up!

So I wanna give a shout out to the whole two people that read my blog! What's up my peeps! Thanks for stayin dedicated throughtout my difficulties!! Peace & Love

I did actually have a few technical difficulties, that left me computerlessness for a few days. Keith and his homeboys were going to try and pimp my puter but it didn't work out so well. So I didn't get rid of Vista like I wanted, but I did make some new friends at Dell technical support....what's up Naveen and Mohammed! Those guys rock!

I hope to have a few blog posts for you two readers this weekend. So stay tuned. Or not, but check back. I will deliver and it will be worth the wait. I hope.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Let me Introduce myself....

Bet ya didn't think I was ever coming back. We'll I've been busy, nothing specific, just three little people, a house, two dogs, a job, a husband, a life. Man, I'm busy. Anyway things just kinda take over and before I know it I get behind in my blogging.

We have been enjoying the warmer weather around here. The kids are outside every chance they get. Here they are rollin in the Barbie Jeep...check out the home boys.

Emma and Jackson are so imaginative. They are always pretending something. We had an empty box, I think it was left over from a Sam's trip, I asked them if they wanted to play with it. Here's what they created. I was so proud of them. Jackson did the most work.

This is the front of there ride, see the headlights.

Can't drive without a steering wheel, gas pedal or boy is sooooo smart!

Emma was allowed to decorate this side of the car....she used her stamps, and went to town.

Gotta have some brake lights!

Watch out here they come in there new pimped out ride....That lasted all of two days, but it was fun while it lasted.

Well, I'm going to try and do better about blogging once a week. Lots going on at the end of the school year for work and Jackson's school. Don't give up on me. I'm still here.
Love to all

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on its way!

Boy have we been busy. We had Spring Break this past week. We have been traveling fools. We went to Tulsa, OK to visit our best friends that moved there this past summer. The kids had such a good time. And I so enjoyed getting some much needed time alone with my best friend, Lorie.

On the way back we decided to make a stop at my dad's for the weekend. The kids were beyond excited to be at Papa and Neenee's house.
While we were there we got a visit from Keith's parents ( Mimi & PeePaw). They wanted to bring the kids their Easter gifts. Which included a cookie decorating kit. This is sad to say but it was the first time my kids and I decorated cookies together. They loved it!
They are so excited, look at the joy on there sweet faces.

They worked so hard to make sure they got the icing on just right. Notice the use of the tongue.

Then it was time to eat it. Well, everyone except Emma enjoyed their Easter cookies.
Those boys love them some sugar!
We had a lot of fun, and I will definitely be doing this activity again.
Well, it's back to school and work for us next week. Hopefully we can get back into our groove again.
TaTa for Now!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Times , they are a changing!

I hate it when i lose time, literally! But it makes for a great afternoon nap....I think Jackson would agree.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Frozen Parcipitation

This is what our weekend consisted off. SNOW!!! The kids were beyond excited. They played outside Saturday morning after daddy got home, cause mama is a wimp when it comes to some frozen parcipitation. I like to look at it, but as far as I'm concerned it should just stay on the ground, not on me. This was Evan's first snow, so he really enjoyed it.
Emma was more than willing to show him how to play in the snow.....She's such a little mama!

Jackson just wanted to roll in it.....He's such a boy, I love him so much!

We...I mean they had a great time....that will be all the snow we get this year, I hope. I'm ready for spring!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Mom

I have no funny or interesting stories to blog about today, just something that is heavy on my heart. My Mom.
For the past couple of weeks in Sunday School we have been focusing on the roles of men and women in the home. Last week was men/husbands/dads. This week it was women/wives/moms. Cullen, our teacher, asked us to make a list of the role our moms played in our lives when we were growing up. What were some of the things they did:
nurse, driver, chef, encourager, teacher, etc.
My mom rocked, she still rocks. She is so giving or her time. When we were growing up, her life revolved around ours. I didn't see it then, and for that I am ashamed. I know there were and are still times that I take advantage of her. She lived and breathed for her kids and husband.
I think the one thing that stood out the most to me was her unconditional love. She loved us no matter what we did. No matter how much I weighed, how bad my grades were, how many times I changed clothes in a day. She loved me. She loved my dad, too. He was not the best husband, but she loved him anyway, and gave alot of herself in order to keep our family together. Sometimes, I think she lost part of herself during that time as well.
So this post is a tribute to you Mom, I love you and have the utmost respect and admiration for you. You are the best mom in the whole world. I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I thank you for loving me unconditionally!
I love you Birdie

Friday, February 15, 2008


I wish I had some gushy surprise valentine story to tell everyone. My valentine was at the fire station. This was my hot date.....

Get in line ladies, he's a real charmer. Check out the double guitar picks, he's oh so talented.

Keith and I have a date tonight, I can't wait. It's been a while since we've had one. He works so hard and it's nice to have him all to myself. I love you Sugar Booger!

Hope everyone had a wonderful valentine's day....let everyday be valentine's some love!

Monday, February 11, 2008

I got a shiny new....

BLACKBERRY! Oh yes I did...and Keith did too. It's red and it does all kinds of things that I haven't figured out yet.

Those of you that know me, know how much I love gadgets. I love to play with gadgets. I'm all about gadgets and gizmos. They're just so much fun to play with.

It baffles me when someone (Stephen) gets a gadget (iPod) and lets it just sit in a drawer for a year before they dig it out and use it. That's just a waste of good gadgetness.

I got me a gadget and I'll be happy for the next few months until I can get my hands on another gadget.

I'm off to do some Blackberry stuff.