Saturday, May 3, 2008

Extremem Makeover: Dog Edition!

My poor four legged children, they tend to get a little um shall we say scruffy looking. Before kids (BK) they ruled the roost, slept in the bed (the middle of the bed), they traveled with us everywhere we went, or we just didn't travel. These dogs lived the high life, and still do to a certain level. Hampton is the oldest of our two dogs. He's my dog, I got him in college. He is my first child , I know I didn't give birth to him, but I did adopt him from the Kroger parking lot one cold February morning in 1995. He has always been by my side, and I love him dearly for that.He's been in desperate need of a makeover and Petsmart delivered! Man, it's like a new dog...I swear they even dyed his hair, it looks darker.

He looks so good. He knows it too, he has a little pep in his step.

Lucy is our Lab mix, and she is the best dog. The most well behaved dog, I can't say one thing bad about her. I got her from the parking lot at the school I was teaching at....I'm a sucker for dogs in parking lots.

We started getting her shaved last summer to help with the shedding. It has been the best thing ever. No more clumps of hair in the corner of the room.This time they shaved her tale, she looks so funny. But gorgeous with her new do.I always enjoy getting the dogs their makeovers, they look better and you know they must feel better too.


Anonymous said...

Total cuteness.. I like how they walk around, you can tell they are thinking.. "I am beautiful"

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That little Hampton does look like a new dog! How cute! They both definitely are feeling the love! Isn't it funny how pets occasionally get the slip once kids come along. They are both beautiful with their new do! :)

Have a great week!

lorieannbell said...

You know that I am not, well, a "dog fan". It all stems back to the dog I had growing up that would chase me around the yard and pin me down--drooling on me all the while!! Anyway, putting that aside, I must say that Hampton and Lucy look stunning!! You are a very amazing woman to balance everything you do plus have 2 dogs---I couldn't do it!! Love you!!
