Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Mom

I have no funny or interesting stories to blog about today, just something that is heavy on my heart. My Mom.
For the past couple of weeks in Sunday School we have been focusing on the roles of men and women in the home. Last week was men/husbands/dads. This week it was women/wives/moms. Cullen, our teacher, asked us to make a list of the role our moms played in our lives when we were growing up. What were some of the things they did:
nurse, driver, chef, encourager, teacher, etc.
My mom rocked, she still rocks. She is so giving or her time. When we were growing up, her life revolved around ours. I didn't see it then, and for that I am ashamed. I know there were and are still times that I take advantage of her. She lived and breathed for her kids and husband.
I think the one thing that stood out the most to me was her unconditional love. She loved us no matter what we did. No matter how much I weighed, how bad my grades were, how many times I changed clothes in a day. She loved me. She loved my dad, too. He was not the best husband, but she loved him anyway, and gave alot of herself in order to keep our family together. Sometimes, I think she lost part of herself during that time as well.
So this post is a tribute to you Mom, I love you and have the utmost respect and admiration for you. You are the best mom in the whole world. I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I thank you for loving me unconditionally!
I love you Birdie


Leigh Ann said...

Our moms must have lived parallel lives. As I read this, I got teary-eyed, thinking it reminded me of my own mom. I'm calling her right now to tell her I love her. Thanks for this post!

CG said...

so sweet!! Does she read your blog? Will she see this?

lorieannbell said...

you do have an amazing mother!!! I love and miss Nanna too!! Tell her I said hello!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. You and I share a heart for babies and animals-especially baby animals! I miss seeing you each week so I especially love to hear from you! Blessings.