Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm a slacker

Okay so my last post was a few months ago...okay July, but who's counting. I think I got a little nervous about the whole "blogger" thing. I'm so shy and all. :)
I have no good excuse other than I'm just a slacker. I forget things all the time. For instance, according to my dad I forgot his June. And apparently he's not over it yet.
I've apologized, I really felt bad. I just can't imagine that I forgot it.
So here's my toast to dear old Dad...

I'm thankful you were born some 60+ years ago.
Without you, there would be no me.
Without me, there would be no three.
Oh how boring my life would be.
Thanks for being such a forgiving ol' chap!

Hopefully I won't forget any other major events coming up this year.

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