Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Best of Both Worlds

Yesterday afternoon Keith and I took Jackson and Emma to see the Hanna Montanna 3D concert movie. So much fun. You actually felt like you were there. I think I even caught a guitar pick. The kids really enjoyed wearing the glasses, I wish I had a picture to share. I need to get a small camera to stick in my purse. Any suggestions would be helpful? I have a Canon Rebel SLR digital camera and I am so spoiled. I want every camera to take pictures that fast.
Anyway, the Jonas Brothers also appeared at the concert/movie. I think I have a slight crush on the boy band. They are sooooo cute. If I was 15 or 34 I might just have to be in their fan club. But I promise I won't scream like a 15 yr old.


lorieannbell said...

You are soooo a groupie!! Just admit it!! You know that you and Keith just took the kids to the movie so that it wouldn't look so bad! Just kidding. We actually wanted to take Sydney to see it but did not get a chance this weekend. Love & Miss--Lorie

CG said...

I'm going to take Aubrey to see this one day next week! I love 3D movies.