Sunday, July 1, 2007

I so cited!

I can't believe this blogging stuff is so easy. I just made a few clicks and here I is.....I have a blog. Who knew?
Apparantly a lot of people because it seemed like I was the only one in America who was not blogging.
This is my very first blog post. I still need to check out the blogging 101 info so I can be up to date on all this blogging stuff. So anyway, here I go

Here's what I'm going to write about tonight.....Don't ever call Walgreens in a panic.
I have my best friend in town for the weekend. Her youngest son...Big B...decided he wanted to take mommy's synthroid medicine. Well, first the pharmacy.
So, they called. They tell her, you need to make him throw up, if not you might need to take him to the ER and get his stomach pumped....Really?
So here's my sweet friend in the bathroom trying to gag her son so he'll throw up. If wasn't funny at the time, but after we sit back and rehash the event, we were rolling.

Poor B, "please mommy don't stick your finger in my mouth, I don't like it."

I don't think we have to worry about him ever becoming bulemic after this episode. Apparently he doesn't have much of a gag reflex.

We finally got some better advice from Poison Control....I think B is going to be OK, we gave him something to eat and hopefully he won't have diarrhea as they predicted.

So next time Walgreen's suggests we attempt to force a child to throw up by sticking our finger down his throat, I don't think we'll listen.